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  • Awesome products for Music Lovers around the world
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A Sinister Light - "Discerning Spirits" - LP/Vinyl

22,00 €
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Lieferzeit: 3 Tag(e)


Limited Edition 12" Vinyl in classic black colour incl. Download Code. Includes Lyric Sheet.

Titled "Discerning Spirits," the album delves into compelling themes and societal concerns through pulsating synths, rhythms, and introspective lyrics. "Evilution" scrutinizes the erosion of morality in mainstream culture, while "Common Sense" mourns the loss of moral bearings and rationality. "Eternal Death" confronts the manipulation of innocent individuals by deceptive elites. The album also explores topics such as consciousness after death in "Near Death Experience (NDE)" and "Don't be a Stranger," which encourages listeners to reflect on the transient nature of life, exploring consciousness and the mysteries beyond mortality's veil, moral discernment in "Discern," conspiracy facts in "Illegal Truth," and the allure of wealth and fame in "Lukewarm Soul." "Too Cold" warns against succumbing to societal hypnosis. Overall, "Discerning Spirits" challenges societal norms and invites introspection into the complexities of existence.


A01 Evilution

A02 Common Sense

A03 Don’t be a Stranger

A04 Illegal Truth

B01 Discern

B02 Too Cold

B03 Lukewarm Soul

B04 Eternal Death

Pre-listen on Bandcamp!